Heritage Theatre Festival 2018

Electrician & Light Board Programmer

A Chorus Line


One of the biggest challenges of this show was a wall of 41 pars built in a wall. This was a challenge to build and circuit. The space also ran into issues with the dimmer modules breaking, needing to be replaced throughout the hang and tech of this show.


Electrician & Light Board Programer

This was the second show in the four show season, in which, I was given the opportunity to be the light board programmer. I worked closely with the designer to create several effects and assist with points of the show as needed. I was able to program her vision of the show quickly and wihout error.

The Coconauts


This musical, performed in the same space as A Chorus Line, had many of the same difficulties as the past show; dimmers constantly breaking and many last minute changes. Despite the problems we faced, the outcome was amazing because of dedicated electricians to handle the difficulties.

The Mountaintop


The final show of the season, the majority of this show was hung with only two electricians myself and the assistant master electrician because the other four people were occupied with The Coconauts. There were many changes after hang, but the two of us were able to work together well to achieve the design.

Design  |  Lighting  |  Scenic  |  Projections  |  Management  |  Academics

(832) 380-4586 | pierce@stoneburner.lighting
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